Thursday, March 13, 2008

Better late than never

Welcome to my new method of attention getting. I realize that blogs are somewhat "old hat" by now, and that I'm a bandwagon blogger, but something happened to me today and I want to share it. You're probably asking yourself "what could have possibly happened to Katie that inspired her to make the bold move of blog creation?" Possible reasons: stuck her fist in her mouth, had lunch with Cecil Samuelson, won a fight against a three legged poodle. But those are all wrong.
Today, I used a bone saw to open a cadaver's skull and remove the brain. Technically the brain is still attached, but the left hemisphere is coming out next week. But the important thing here is that I used a bone saw. I can't decide if that makes me like McDreamy or Freddie. Maybe McReady? That sounds too much like a prostitute on a value menu.
Needless to say, I'm really enjoying my anatomy. The human body is truly the most fascinating thing I have ever studied. It's incredible that something so essentially perfect actually exists. We can't even create an engine that runs even close to the efficiency level of our muscles and metabolism. Except for possibly Optimus Prime. He's a pretty sick machine/robot/car/symbol of testosterone.
Here's a quote about the body that says everything I am trying to say with a little more grace and tact.

"The marvel of our physical bodies is often overlooked... Your body, whatever its natural gifts, is a magnificent creation of God. It is a tabernacle of flesh - a temple for your spirit. A study of your body attests to its divine design." Elder Russell M. Nelson


Jenny said...

Katie, I'm so glad you started a blog! You always have such thoughtful insights--and you're so hilarious too! I love hearing about your cadaver experiences (just try not to fall in again!). The human body really is amazing, and after having a baby I am even more in awe of what it can do. It's fun to watch Justin learn to use his body.

Unknown said...

I am bookmarking this right next to WWTDD!
Unlike WWTDD though you offer inspiration and giggles......a rare combination.
I'm excited for the upcoming blogs!

Happy blogging!
(I wonder if that would over reach a national holiday status...?)

Kevy said...

So when you say you are really enjoying your anatomy, does that mean "your" anatomy or your anatomy class?

Brian said...

Kevy, is that you? are you really engaged to Katie's old roomie??? talk about crazy love triangle!