So Valentine's Day is in exactly one week. And if everything goes according to plan, that means that I will be spending Valentine's Day this year with my parents, in a hotel room, high on vicodin. I'm not sure that's exactly the romantic evening Matt had in mind, so we decided to have a pre-surgery celebration. Matt made this delicious dinner that took about 3 hours and clogged as many arteries. If someone had written about is in a food magazine I think it would have been something like this: "Each bit is an explosion of flavor in your mouth. One minute it's like you're on a gondola in Venice, and then next it's like you're sailing the high seas with Johnny Depp". Ok, so maybe it wouldn't include a pirate reference, but it was tasty enough to pillage for. I decided to contribute by making a dessert of some sort. I looked to Martha Stewart for some help, and I made these creme pastry raspberry things. One half burned/half soggy pastry, one pair of jeans, and one cornstarch explosion later, I had the recipe mastered. It was actually really simple, and it was the first time I have ever made cream from scratch. I feel a boston creme pie coming in the near future. Well my friends, this is probably it until I get my surgery on Thursday! I'll try to post something while I'm still a little loopy.
It really was that good
That isn't really how your back is, it it? Kinda wanna see before and after pictures of the spine...can you arrange that?
Also very impressed by both of your cooking skills. Looks like I'll be eating in, if I ever make it to Boston.
Best of luck this weekend!
I'm so proud that you are cooking. And in mascara, nonetheless.
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