So Valentine's Day is in exactly one week. And if everything goes according to plan, that means that I will be spending Valentine's Day this year with my parents, in a hotel room, high on vicodin. I'm not sure that's exactly the romantic evening Matt had in mind, so we decided to have a pre-surgery celebration. Matt made this delicious dinner that took about 3 hours and clogged as many arteries. If someone had written about is in a food magazine I think it would have been something like this: "Each bit is an explosion of flavor in your mouth. One minute it's like you're on a gondola in Venice, and then next it's like you're sailing the high seas with Johnny Depp". Ok, so maybe it wouldn't include a pirate reference, but it was tasty enough to pillage for. I decided to contribute by making a dessert of some sort. I looked to Martha Stewart for some help, and I made these creme pastry raspberry things. One half burned/half soggy pastry, one pair of jeans, and one cornstarch explosion later, I had the recipe mastered. It was actually really simple, and it was the first time I have ever made cream from scratch. I feel a boston creme pie coming in the near future. Well my friends, this is probably it until I get my surgery on Thursday! I'll try to post something while I'm still a little loopy.
It really was that good