Monday, September 15, 2008

friends, it's been too long

SO IM BACK! I'm sorry that I have not been faithful in updating my blog. It turns out that I just have not had any big "EUREKA" moments. I thought a month would be sufficient time, but it turns out that I have just stopped having creative thoughts. Sorry. I'm upset too. But, creative thoughts aside, I can still appreciate pictures, and I bet you can too! So I thought I'd show you a little big of what I'v been up to. There are a couple pictures of me around Boston with some friends from my DPT class, and also some pictures of the DPT family in New Hampshire. I'm not being funny or flip when I call these people my family. We are seriously connected on some crazy level and even though I've only known them since May, I feel like it's been forever. There's no way you can survive gross and functional anatomy and not form the kind of friendship you see in those band of brothers HBO series. They survived Normandy, we survived myotomes.

This is a picture of me and my fellow DPT family members canoeing at Sargent Camp. We drove up to New Hampshire and spent two days in nature getting back to our roots, bonding, and learning to love each other. I think the point of this is that we all basically stare at each other with as little clothing on as possible, and you want to make sure you are friends first...or at least have dinner together once.

These are some quality people enjoying the bonfire made by Kathy. BYU bonfires don't include alcohol, yet I still think people at BYU are way more dangerous around an open flame.

If you can avert your eyes from all the camel toe in this picture, you will notice that this is a few of us posing while we were doing the high ropes course. I learned how to overcome fear, trust others, and chaff my inner thigh.
Just to show you that we are not really all that hideous looking (only while camping) here's a picture from this past weekend when we all went out to fenway.
Earlier this summer I visited The Minuteman Trail. I basically only came here because my Nana told me that I had to see the Minutemen statues because they had "nice butts". So Nana, here ya go! I must say, it was nice, almost like it was made of steel or some other hard metal substance.

So one night we were eating at the Union Oyster House and then all of a sudden like 50 red coats came in the restaurant. One sat down by us at the bar and ordered a Sam Adams. Only in Boston is that kind of thing not only normal, but expected.


Jenni said...

katie! you cut your hair and of course you look gorgeous. and i miss you. and i love you. the end.

Unknown said...

Your hair is all gone! I like it.

defining amy said...

I love your hair. You commented about camel toe. And Taylor came to visit!! Yay. Love you and miss you.

Jenny said...

I love all these cute pictures! You look so gorgeous in that picture at Fenway with your PT friends. That is so funny about the red coats ordering Sam Adams at the Union Oyster House--that is just the perfect Boston experience.

Kevy said...

Even though it would be really cool and thuggish for someone to have their last name be Krip, I am pretty sure that his name is Coco Crisp like the cereal not the gang.